
Wednesday 12 September 2012


This is made with Centura Pearl card.  It has a lovely sheen to it and looks beautiful embossed.

I made a mask of the Peace stamp.  I cut it slightly bigger than the image, so that it left a border when I stamped over it.  The Clarity Dove Panel stamp is the perfect companion for it.  I used it for the background and stamped a single dove onto Angelina Fibres to put in the C.

This one is made with an Adirondack ink pad in Eggplant.  I brayered the background, then spritzed it with water to enhance the snowy effect.


  1. these are great Lynne . I particularly like the first one. That's a very clever idea which has given me another one to try.

  2. Hi Lynne, love both of your cards, but like Lindylou my favourite has to be the first one. You have produced such crisp , perfect stamping.... I am such a fan of your work. X

  3. I have to agree with the comments above, the first one is favourite.But they are both look peacefull cards

  4. Lynne, did you stamp onto the Centura Pearl card? I have tried it and could not get a good image at all. first generation ink just splodged everywhere and would not dry. Second generation was better, but was very faded and only useful for background. I would be grateful for any help as I love the sheen on that card. I have looked through several of your posts today, and your cards are stunning, simple in style(I know there is lots of work in them) and really beautiful. Have a good week. xx Maggie

    1. Yes, I did, Maggie. I'm afraid I can't remember what I used for the background though, or if it was first or second generation ink. Looking through my ink pads first generation Milled Lavender Distress Ink looks the most likely. I love the Centura Pearl for heat embossing, like I did with the word Peace. It can be awkward to stamp directly onto though as the ink tends to come up paler and not as crisp as on regular card. It didn't matter for the background though as I wanted a soft effect. I've not had a problem with it drying, although I do tend to leave it for a while before I use it.
      Thank you for your kind words. Happy stamping. x

  5. I thought I had left a comment here, Lynne, but it does not seem to be in place. I love both those cards, but especially the first one. You have inspired me to lash out and buy the dove panel, having shown me yet another way to use it. Thank you for your inspiration. xx Maggie


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