
Thursday 15 November 2012

Sepia Log Cabin in the Woods Card

The first version of this picture was done in colour but I thought it looked too similar to the other Log Cabin card I'd made. Mum had the idea of doing it in sepia.

I used the coated Clarity card and it's all done with an Espresso Adirondack dye ink pad.

Like the previous card, I started off with the cabin and then stamped everything else. The sky was brayered using my Splodge mat and then spritzed with water and blotted to give a snowy effect.

I used the coated Clarity paper to make the background. I originally bought it as a cheaper option to practise my brayering on, but it's also fab for using for backgrounds.  I randomly applied the Espresso ink to it with an Ink Duster and brayer before I spritzed it with water and applied scrunched up cling film.  Once it had dried I stamped the snowflake from the Lesson 14 set all over.

If you looked closely at the group shot I previously posted, you may have noticed that the topper was on wonky.  The foam pads stuck so quickly to the coated card and I couldn't move it. I was frightened to pull it off incase I ripped the card and ruined all that work. Luckily Dad came to the rescue with a clever idea (apparently he's used to fixing Mum's mistakes!).  I went into the kitchen and sharpened a long knife. I protected the sides with some copier paper (so that I didn't scratch the coated card) and then just cut through all of the foam pads. Simples! I was then able to stick it back on straight with some Pinflair. I should have just used that in the first place!!!!!!

I've since tweaked the colour version and made that into a card too. I will post that on here too.

Peace on Earth is stamped onto a Spellbinders Ribbon Banner die cut and it's all finished off with some Glamour Dust for a bit of sparkle.



  1. What would you do without your Mum and Dad. Use the 5 ps. Very nice card in the end.

  2. Another stunned Lynne great card love all the different tones with just one inkpad


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