
Monday 1 April 2013

In the Garden - Bunnies' Burrow Card

I can't believe it's already time for the second challenge of the Clarity Stamp Challenge Blog. It was lovely to see so many fantastic entires for the first one. If we get that many every month it will build up into a great inspirational gallery of Clarity card designs.

This month's theme is "In the Garden" and I just couldn't resist using the gorgeous bunny stamps.

The idea of this card is that you're looking out into the house owner's garden from the bunnies' burrow. They've been a bit cheeky and gone out to explore. I hope there aren't any carrots in the veg patch!

It's a theatre card that I made with my Hougie Board. I did a similar card last year with the 'Twas the Night stamps. That one was looking through a mouse hole. They are really easy to make - you just decide what size you want the front (mine is a 15cm square) and add 8cm to one side (so mine are 15cm x 23cm). Score each side at 2cm and 4cm then stick them together. I use wet glue for this.

The burrow idea came to me quite quickly but then I had to figure out how to create it - I didn't have any suitable papers and my painting skills aren't up to it. Eventually I had the idea of taking a photograph. I found a great spot at the side of the road when I was walking Maya; I love how the roots are sprouting through.

I printed this out onto card and drew a circle on the front where I wanted the burrow entrance to be. I ripped the circle out using the line as a guide to give the burrow a natural look then inked the edge.

I added the Home Sweet Home sign and the bunny slippers (cut on my Cameo from a design bought in the Silhouette Store) to make it look like you're inside the burrow. Although Hubby's just pointed out that each bunny should have 4 slippers (smart-arse!).  Mind you, I wonder if bunnies would wear cute human slippers?

I used my brayer and Ink Dusters to create the scene and coloured the images in with my ProMarkers. The shingle path was created with the texture stamps from Lesson 15. 

Well that's my take on "In the Garden", I look forward to seeing yours. Don't forget that there's a £50 Clarity voucher for the winner.  Good luck!

Stamps Used
Bunnies from the Remountable Bunnies Set 
Gardening bits from the Remountable Garden Set
Bushes made with this tree



  1. Love this Lynne, such a clever idea and beautifully done! x

  2. Brilliant as always Lynne! I love these bunnies! xx

  3. Such a lot of unusual elements in this card. I've never made a theatre card but may well give it a go after looking at this one.
    What an amazing idea to photograph the soil - works perfectly. Xxx

  4. I love theatre cards and this style is great and it folds flat, so no expensive postage but still has the 3D effect. So clever an idea and inspired photographing the soil, it makes it all look so realistic. Lovely card.

  5. I love this card Lynne yet another clever idea and well taking a picture of some soil says it all really !!! the lengths we go to at times xx

  6. Wahay, Lynne the saga of the bunnies lives on !! we've seen them in many situations in your cards but this is the best yet! love the slippers. love that even when you're walking Maya you're finding crafty inspiration ...using a photo of soil & roots. I am inspired to have a go at a theatre card. xxxAnnie

  7. I had to smile at this one Lynne. Beautiful And I do like a card with a sense of humour the slippers were inspired!xxxx

  8. Fantastic! How do you come up with the ideas. Gorgeous.

  9. Brilliant card Lynne, and so do come up with some clever ideas....the slippers are such a great finishing touch....Jo. X

  10. Your inspiration is amazing Lynne and you add humour to your cards as well :-) I love to see what you create!

    xx Sazzle xx


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