
Sunday 4 August 2013

August's Clarity Samples

What a brilliant weekend it's been. I've picked up so many ideas and I can't wait to try them out. Barbara's demos were fab and it was lovely to see so many of the DT's samples and the viewers' homework. It always amazes me how different everyone's cards are.

Hubby has very generously treated me to the smaller Gelli plate (although he doesn't know it yet!) so I can't wait for that to arrive. I have an idea for one of the prints we did in the lesson yesterday and want to see if it will work.

These are the five cards that I made for the shows.

The Jigsaw stamps for Lesson 20 are so clever. I really enjoyed using them and can see them coming in handy for all sorts of occasions, a bit like the Stamp stamps. The masks that come with them make life so much easier - I wouldn't fancy having to cut them all out by hand!

The Hope set is another in the series of large "O" stamps. They are another versatile one to have and one I enjoy playing with - Faith, Hope and Clarity is my favourite!

Quite a few of my cards from previous shows were also shown. They have all been blogged already and can be found by scrolling back through my posts.

As always, I will be blogging them all individually over the course of the month. I have also been busy making samples for the German Clarity shows. I'm really pleased with a couple of them and look forward to sharing them with you. I also have a couple left that I made for Maria's Clarity Take 2 shows. It should be a busy month on Lynne's Crafty little Blog.

Happy stamping,



  1. I certainly will take a look!! Great samples hon My faves had to be the jigsaw and Faith, hope n Clarity. Keep up the fantastic inspiration hon xx

  2. Really fantastic cards Lynne! Loved them all but think I liked the same 2 as Rae the best! Xxx

  3. Fantastic inspiration as always lynne x

  4. Fantastic samples Lynne, and as always very inspirational. ...looking forward to seeing what you create with your new Gelli plate....x

  5. Wonderful samples Lynne. Thinking that jigsaw one will have to be ordered.

  6. Fantastic samples again Lynne. I love the stamp stamps so I think getting the jigsaw stamps is a must. Can't wait to see your German samples xx

  7. I loved & admired all your samples (many others too in Barbara's Dream Team). Thank your for your good wishes, Lynne. It's a marathon, not a sprint, I am told daily by those who care!

  8. Lynne I thought all of your cards were lovely, they always are. xx But every time I saw your Bright JigSaw card I couldn't take my eyes off it, the colour mix is stunning. Xx Sam

  9. Lynne, they are beautiful, stunning xx


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