
Sunday 22 September 2013

German Log Cabin Christmas Card

Here's one of my samples for the Claritystamp shows on the German channel HSE24.

Making it nearly had me in tears!

I thought it would be nice to do a little snowy woodland scene in the middle of a Treescape Gelli print. I masked off the central panel, so that I would have a clear area to stamp in, and took a print using the large Treescape stencil. You never know how Gelli prints are going to turn out but I was really pleased with this one; it was nice and crisp and the areas around the stencil were clear. Great for adding colour to. I placed the stencil back in place and used Weathered Wood Distress Ink to do this.

The next step was to stamp the scene in the aperture that I'd created. I didn't want to get ink on the Gelli print so I carefully masked it off before I began. 

I thought it was all going well until I got to the stage where I removed the masks..........

.............I'd only done the stamping upside down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Cue very bad words and nearly tears!

After a vent and some encouraging words on FB I decided the only thing to do was to make another stamped panel and stick it on top. I liked the Gelli print too much to completely start again.

It's not a "clever" one layered card any more but I rather like the co-ordinating green mat that I put it on. I also changed the colour of the cabin to better match the Gelli print.

I finished it off with Merry Christmas in German. This was stamped with the Letter Box set - I used green ink for the boxes and navy for the text.

It may have given me a lot of grief but it all turned out for the best. I think I prefer the second version.

Stamps Used

Stencil Used



  1. Ahh but alls well that ends well And it is a very lovely card. xxx

  2. I bet the air was several shades of blue lol still you have finished up with a lovely card Lynne - very well rescued xx

  3. It's such a beautiful card Lynne x Very well rescued.

  4. Hi Lynne...I remember your post on fb, so it is good to see the project that you were talking about...and It is great to see a photo of the Australian card....looked brilliant in the end...x

  5. this is super rescuing Lynne. and you know the second version is better with gelli print as cabin matches better like you said. i like it a lot xx

  6. Oh Lynne! I am so relieved it is not just me who does these things!! I have just had the most frustrating couple of days of stupid things going wrong!
    It turned out so well in the end. Lovely xx

  7. Really lovely card Lynne. I can imagine how you felt when you removed the masks - we've all been there haven't we? However the end result is brilliant - I love it! Di xx


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