
Saturday 5 October 2013

Gelli Print Anniversary Card

This is the final sample from the last German shows.

The base of it is a Gelli print done with black acrylic paint. You can get a very different effect with the same stencil depending on how much paint you take off with the first print.

This card, that I blogged previously (here), uses the same stencil and black paint for the base print but by removing more ink with the first print, it looks very different.

For today's card I stamped the Alliums onto some copy paper and cut a heart shape out around them. I used this as a mask when I took the Gelli print to leave myself a nice white area to stamp into. I then used the bit I'd cut the heart out of to mask off the Gelli print when I applied the red Distress Ink to the heart.

Like the other card, I used the Dotty Wave stencil to add some dots, this time in red.

The names are stamped separately, cut out and stuck on. I'm not sure who Brigitte is but first time we lived in Germany we had some great nights out with a policeman called Wolfgang whose English improved greatly when he was drunk! Not that we ever were of course!!!

Stamps Used

Stencils Used


P.S. One more sleep until Harrogate!


  1. very interesting card lynne. need to try black as i've been keeping away from it on gelli xx

  2. Beautiful work Lynne! The contrast of colours are amazing. Stunning! xxx

  3. Stunning card Lynne and very creative....hope you have had a great day at Harrogate....x

  4. lovely cards Lynne love the red and the black x


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