
Saturday 19 October 2013

SCUBA Diving Card

If you've been reading my blog for a while, you might remember my Roseart Vase Card with a Shaving Foam Background that I made last Christmas (if you don't the post on that can be found here).

If you look at the photos in that post you will see that the first print Mum and I made was green. I really liked it but thought that the other colour was better for the vase project, so its been sat in a box since then waiting to be used - when I saw the Neptune stamp I realised its time had come.

If you want to know about how we made the background it's all in the other post. This time it was just a case of doing the stamping and colouring it in with ProMarkers. Unfortunately I didn't have any large Clarity sea creatures to use with it, so I cut a diver out from the Silhouette Store on my Cameo. It was inspired by my Hubby who is as obsessed with his diving as I am with my stamping.

A spot of Glossy Accents on the bubbles adds a bit of texture. "Happy Birthday" stamped with the Letter Box and Numbers sets finish it off. 

I couldn't resist the Tropical Fish Set when it was on at the weekend so I might have to make another version with them.

Stamps Used
Neptune from the Remountable Patterns Set



  1. love this Lynne. it's very cool xx

  2. Wonderful card, Lynne. I have just ordered the pattern stamps, I especially like this one xx

  3. Fantastic card Lynne I can't believe you have kept a piece of paper all this time though ... waste not want not lol xx

  4. Clever use of the stamps Lynne, and it just shows you that we really do Need to keep all those backgrounds that we make....they do come day....
    Hope you have had a great day today at Donny.....Hugs...x


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