
Friday 15 November 2013

Squiggles and Rocky Block - Part 2

What a day I had yesterday! I spent most of it making my next project for the Claritystamp Challenge Blog - I really enjoyed myself but when I'd finished I thought it looked like a child's painting. I was so deflated but Mum and Dad and Hubby said that they liked it. I took some time away from it, made a few changes and I think I've managed to rescue it. I'm liking it again anyway so hopefully that's a good sign. I guess I'll find out next month!

Don't forget this month's challenge is "Christmas" and you have until the end of the month to get your entries in. There's a £50 Claritystamp voucher for the winner (chosen at random) so it's well worth entering.

Anyway, back to this month's samples and following on from yesterday's post - This print was originally in the reject pile but it had a last minute reprieve.

I made it after being unsuccessful with my pink, white and black combination. This time the bottom layer is Pistachio but it has been given a grungy look by the residue of black paint left behind when I printed the top black Squiggle layer.

I rather liked the print but I hadn't a clue how to make it into a card so it went onto the reject pile and I made the western style card that I blogged a couple of days ago.

Inspiration finally struck when I found this flower embellishment that Mum had given me. The colours matched perfectly. I added some Black soot Distress Ink to the edges to match the grungy look of the card and stuck it on along with some black ribbon. 

Very simple but I thought it finished it off well. When you have a lovely Gelli print I always hate to cover it up too much.

Stencils Used



  1. Definately not a child's painting, its lovely. Maybe you were unsure because its not your usual style, but I reckon you've cracked it!

  2. It has a pretty grungy edge to it, I like this very much x

  3. Right up my street Linda xxx i love it! Xx

  4. this is really cool. simple but wow! that's a lot coming from me considering you have pink in there! i fully agree, when you have a good print you shouldn't hide it xx

  5. This is gorgeous Lynne, perfect colouring. Sam x


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