
Wednesday 18 December 2013

Christmas Postage Stamp Cards

If you read my blog regularly you probably know that I was struggling to find the time and enthusiasm to make my personal Christmas cards. I had the best of intentions but other things kept getting in the way.

In the end I thought that I'd create a few variations of one card and set up my own little production line.

The basic idea was to have the Winterland stamp, that I spoke about in my previous post, as the background, with different stamps (deer, snowman, dog etc.) in the foreground. This was the first one that I made using the Kids and Sledge stamp.

I then made this one for my sister-in-law as she loves her horses.

Then I realised that they weren't quite as quick and simple as I thought (even getting the postage stamp straight and central had a big potential of going wrong) and they were abandoned.

Next time I'll show you what took their place. It involves Maya, as most things do! 

Forgive me crafters, but I may have bought a couple as well.

Stamps Used

Round Christmas greeting is by Lili of the Valley



  1. Lovely cards Lynne and yes you think they would be easy at first glance but I can see a couple of areas of stamping for potential rubbish bin material x

  2. I could see that they would be a bit fiddly, but they are beautiful.

  3. Lin I would buy a pack of the first cards. Such a lovely image!

  4. Beautiful cards . . the idea of making them all on a theme seems like a good idea until you start I know from experience... you were using one of my favourite stamps too and the whole idea of a franked postage stamp is lovely. I stuck with die cuts this year because I had left it very late and so no room for error so Timmy Holtz dies came to the rescue xx

  5. these are so beautiul Lynne. love them xx

  6. Just lovely Lynne. I started doing the same and I agree with you, they are not as quick as you would think. Then to top it all my husband came home tonight and gave me an order for 25 more cards...for staff...I suggested that I make one big one for everyone but he's not going for it. (have to keep hubby happy as he is the one paying for my craft stash!) Hugs xx

  7. Both beautiful, Lynne, but the less you put on a card, the more perfect they have to be, so plenty of potential for things going wrong! Simple-looking cards cause me many disasters!!


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