
Wednesday 11 December 2013

Lily and her Chrysanthemums

Morning everyone, I thought I'd better get this written before I get struck down with another headache and can't face a computer screen (although the last one might have been self-induced). It's party week here (there are always so many functions on the last week before Christmas) and I'm getting too old for it!

Bringing things back to a more sedate level, here's a lovely serene scene of Lily in her garden. The main image is all one layer so there's lots of masking involved. I cut 4 layers of Post-its in one go for the flowers though so it wasn't too bad.

The pattern on Lily's dress is made by stamping her onto some copy paper and cutting out the part you want to stamp onto. This creates a mask that you can then stamp through. I used the Ornate Corner stamp for this to add the pattern.

Talking of the Christmas parties, I had to share these photos that I took the other night. They made me smile.

I was sat at the table when I recognised something familiar - one of my Christmas cards from last year.........

..........with this written on the back. It had a special message for our table in it. I was really touched that they'd kept it. 

Stamps Used
Chrysanthemums - Large
Trees from Lesson 21 - Remountable Winter Trees Set

Must get on, shopping to do today. 



  1. What a lovely card Lynne but I was soo touched to see your recycled card - that's so lovely xx

  2. Beautiful card Lynne and what a wonderful surprise to see you card on the dinner table like that.

  3. What a lovely card Lynne, So peaceful. xx nice touch with the recycled card, how nice of them to do that and it is a lovely card too xxx

  4. lovely serene card. i love it's composition. and yes your friend is right...quality always lasts xx

  5. This card is beautiful Lynn, I love how you have dressed Lily - what colour is that, I have to have it!! Your recycled card lovely touch but also, sorry to say, typical bloody Forces that - skinflints!!! I had a friend who signed the same card to his wife on their Anniversary for as long as I knew them, because he had actually found a card she liked. She loved it, so you never know you might see it again next year!!

    1. Sorry but I can't remember what colours I used Sam. I just had a look at my colour charts though and I think the stamping on Lily's dress might be Cloudy Blue Adirondack. The dress was coloured in with ProMarkers but again I'm not sure which ones. I really should make notes as I go along. x

  6. Pretty card and what a festive table!!
    Merry Christmas

  7. Lovely card, I really need the flower stamps. What a lovely thing to write on your card x


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