
Sunday 20 April 2014

A Happy Accident

The title could be about a lot of my cards...............

...............but today it's about this one. For once I took photos as I went along so let me explain  what happened.

To start with I used my stamping in a circle technique (the post about that is here) to work out that I needed a circle with a 152mm diameter to position the four dolphins.

Using a compass I drew that on my card and quartered the circle so that I knew where to stamp each dolphin. I drew the outside square in pen so that I could see where to trim it when I'd done the Gelli print.

I then masked them off so that when I took the Gelli print the dolphins would remain untouched.

The Gelli print is the "Happy accident". I wanted a nice watery look for the background and I chose three colours for this - Phthalo Turquiose, Pistachio and Buff Titanium, letting each layer dry before I added the next.

Phthalo Turquoise went on first. I blotted a lot of it off to end up with a mottled effect.

Then I added a layer of Pistachio and used the Ocean Swirl stencil to create my waves. It was at this point that I realised that my beautiful waves would be covered up by the first layer. I should have done them the other way around!

Still, I carried on, adding a layer of Buff Titanium before taking the print. It may not have been the pretty waves that I was after but it is swirly and I rather liked it.

To finish it off the words were stamped in black Archival and heat embossed with clear powder. The edge was inked with Peacock Feathers Distress Ink. I then sponged on some grey ink to the dolphin's heads and some grey and black mats.

Stamps and Stencils Used



  1. Lovely, need to go and play with my gelli plate x

  2. A very happy accident Lynne. Its great I love it x


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