
Monday 19 May 2014

Oh I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside

Finally, here's the first of my cards from this month's Claritystamp show. As I was talking a lot about beautiful houses yesterday...........

.........I thought this one would be a good one to start with. It was inspired by the colourful seaside houses you get in places like Tenby.

I used brown acrylic paint and my Gelli Plate to get the outline of the houses. Then I coloured them in with Distress Inks and a make-up sponge. This involved quite a bit of masking.

I masked off the windows and didn't add any colour to them as I liked them as they were.  I then made a frame around the houses with Post-its to protect the surrounding area and added the colour with a make-up sponge.

When I'd finished that I masked off the top four houses to add the sea and sky.

A flock of seagulls and a pink mat that matches one of the houses finish it off. 

I was quite reluctant to send this one in as I thought it would look lovely in a frame. When I have time I might have to make myself another.

Stamps and Stencils Used



  1. Hi Lynne, lovely card. I love your shading. I did have a little smile with your masking but only because that's what I know you for and I now know what a mammoth task it can but, but well worth it for the results. xxx

  2. I really like this one, Lynne. Looks simple until you work out the amount of masking to achieve this result. Beautiful. xx

  3. Looks lovely, Lynne - worth all that masking! xx

  4. would have loved to be there esp this weekend as it was so nice. i can understand how time consuming masking can be as lately i seem to be doing lots of it xx


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